Pain and suffering in the heat

So, we decided to close the shop on the 4th of July since Claire and I needed a day off. I took the opportunity to do a brick workout. I went out at about 11 in the morning, with the temperature just hitting 90 or so, and rode over Sweetwater. Not once, but twice. It was a scorcher out there. It was over a 100 when I finished up at 2 or so. I then slammed down a bottle of water and went out for a 7.5 mile run. The heat really kicked my butt. I usually do that run in around 56 minutes, and this time it took 70 minutes. It was a great workout, but a paid for it a bit later with some cramping in the legs. I really didn’t hold back on the bike at all, going 1:22 on my first loop and 1:26 on the second.
I went in to swim today, but the pool was closed. I have been having a very hard time finding some time to swim. It is hard to get away from the shop in the afternoon no matter how early I start work. Today I dropped everything and rode my bike down to SSU only to find out that there was no lap swimming. It did give me a chance to get to the library and pick up some books I had reserved.
Tomorrow Claire and I are going to Carson City for her brother’s wedding. We will get out for a ride and run in the morning, and I will take my running stuff along, but no cycling for a couploe of days. The Death Ride is in 9 days.

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